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My Boring Life :D



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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So long never blog le... I keep playing with facebook then forgot i have a blog :P now already august le... 8mths have flew past and another 4mths, another year will be gone and next year O lvl!!! OMG!! DDD: wednesday going to have english term test.... pray hard i don't fail again... if i fail english... i going to get retained... and i don't want that to happen because later no friends... then also will bit paiseh de... i hope faster end of year holidays! because i going overseas for emersion (?). I go do homework le. hope i remember to blog again soon. :P

writtern @3:08 AM

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My blog is dead! So im here to revive it again! Sorry for not updating for so long! reason is...
1. busy! 2. dont want to update! XD
well... let me tell u all... alot has happened since the last update... no1 is... im sec3 already!!! woots! Senior le! so happy! u know... when i went back school the 1st day... saw all the guys i know wearing long pants! look so weird ah... i pity them... so hot weather still must wear long pants.... oh yah! last year IT rep is me and yuandeng... then this year... i sabo him... he become IT rep again... XD but he saboed back... he told our geo teacher that he need assistant... then he saboed me... i become assistan ITrep again... but im planning to slack! XD anyways... my sailing course has ended but there is another one coming up... should i join? im kinda lazy to go uh... but can see all my good friends... sobs... i miss them... btw... did i tell u all i went to japan? during december uh... quite fun uh... but i missed my handphone during the vacation... XD anyways... go sleep le! if got the time then i update again... byes~!

writtern @12:47 AM

Thursday, November 12, 2009

today went to eat KFC... :D then went to look for HuiLing they all at 18chef (?) then went to library with them... after that sit bus go back home... on the way back, gossip a lot... gossip not enough then booked the game room at the clubhouse for 2hrs... should have booked 3hrs... =_= then stood outside for like 1/2 hr... billard (like that spell?) room got people booked... is someone huiling know from primary school (i think)... then wanted to go in for the air con to talk, because cannot book the game room already uh... huiling at the end called her friend, that we wanted to go in... at the end never go in... veron have to go back home T.T i want another gossip session! XP then went home... then mum's friend and her baby came to our house... mum told me to entertain the baby (okay lah... 3yrs old not baby XP )... i dunno wad to do with the baby... bring out colour pencil draw pig (ehem) show her.... draw turtle show her... draw RED apple ( XP )... at the end i played piano for her... the song "frosty the snowman" =_= i got like 2yrs never played that song... urgh... have to go play piano again! =_= tomorrow then blog uh...

PS: going sailing on sunday~! :D

writtern @8:03 PM

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

went sailing last sunday... the byte conversion super hard... the boat too unstable... cannot handle... i got like 5+ bruises and 2 cuts... went to sail at changi there... there got swimming pool... got baby slide! i wanted to play! :P all the girls were thrown into the pool (including me! :0 shocking right?)... sailed whole day from 9am-4.30pm... during sailing... i capsized like 5+ times and can only upright 2 times... =_= saw 3 jellyfish! creepy seh... the coming sunday going sembawang to sail... start at 9.30am... i told PiG to go earlier so can teach me Indices... im finding a way to persuade my mum to let me go earlier... :D i go update my facebook uh... bye! :D

writtern @9:38 PM

Sunday, November 1, 2009

today went to orchard central with my parents... orchard central quite cool, but i think north point better than orchard central... XP after that went to bugis shop a while... with parents around cannot buy anything... =.= went to bugis junction eat J.CO donuts... i ate 2! i feel so guilty now... XP my friend kept on wanting to meet at bugis... told him im with my parents he also dun care... aiyah... i go play facebook le... XP

writtern @6:27 PM

Saturday, October 31, 2009

this past year i have gone through many things that make me grow up... the "puppy love", the "no friends stage", the "jealous of other people who have bf",etc... but come to think of it... im so childish... this past year, i have not done things that are my responsibilities... i kept on making my parents angry, especially my mum... if one day my mum died ( touch wood )... i would feel very guilty... even now i already feel guilty making her upset... this year... i have not put in the effort to study for my exams... ( really feel like crying now ) im always distracted by my psp, tv, computer, etc...

what i would like to do next year... well... make more friends... become smarter... become prettier, skinnier... pass my 2.4... be a good daughter... become a considerate friend... no more allergies...


writtern @1:46 PM

today no sailing... :D slept until 9+am... my blog finally got music le... XP i kept on 4geting to put the music... well people may think the music is noisy, but i think it is superb! wish super junior comes to singapore for concert! i sure buy the first seat! XP well... to people who tagged:
> thanks for tagging
> HUIQI-BELINDA: i think sec3 life should be fun XP
> HUIQI-DEWY-YVONNE-IVAN: thanks for tagging! :D
next sunday is my mum's birthday and i cannot celebrate with her... why? i have sailing training from 9am-5pm! So long siah... dunno why i train so much lorh... i oso not going to national team... O.O anyway, going to nap for a while ( dun call me pig! )... i actually woke at 7am then fell asleep again... XP so~ good "afternoon"... XP

writtern @12:14 PM

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com